Cinnamon Sweet Potato Roti

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Cinnamon Sweet Potato Roti

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November 5, 2022
November 5, 2022

Angelita Hughes

Angelita Hughes


Makes 4 Roti

  • ✓ 1 cup steamed sweet potatoes, must be steamed or boiled - skinned removed and mashed / hot.
  • ✓ 1.5 cups All Purpose Flour / half cup of flour for rolling.
  • ✓ 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon.
  • ✓ 1 teaspoon Vanilla ( powder if possible )
  • ✓ ½ teaspoon salt / optional.
  • ✓ Spray bottle filled with water.


Large heat proof bowl, large spoon or gloves, spatula, flat grill, measuring spoons, measuring Cup, 2 kitchen towels and a spray bottle filled with water.

  1. In a large bowl add hot sweet potato, vanilla, Cinnamon, salt, and flour. With a large spoon mix until a dough forms. You can mix with your hands, if you wear gloves
  2. Once dough has formed. Knead on a smooth surface with plenty of flour. This will take about 10 minutes. Cut dough into 5 equal parts, pat down to make a disc. Place the disk in a floured bowl, cover with cloth and let rest for 20 minutes.
  3. Heat grill to medium high, right before you start rolling out the roti.
  4. On a floured surface roll out to the size of a standard flour tortilla. Place on a hot flat grill, spray grill with water, cook for 1 - 2 minutes per side. Flip the roti with a spatula. Repeat the same process on the other side. Turn 2 times per side. If the roti starts to cook to fast lower the heat to medium low.
  5. Place in a kitchen towel. Will keep in the refrigerator for 4 days. Keep them in a kitchen towel and an airtight container, if you're going to store them for later use.

Enjoy with any curry or use it as a wrap.

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