Barbeque Grilled Herbed Potatoes and Onions

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Barbeque Grilled Herbed Potatoes and Onions

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May 22, 2021
May 22, 2021

Mark Cerkvenik

Mark Cerkvenik


A simple, barbeque steamed potatoes and onions with none of the added fat, but all of the barbequed flavor. You can serve this dish with grilled corn on the cob and a fresh salad for a delicious summer meal!

  • ✓ 6 medium russet potatoes
  • ✓ 1 large sweet onion
  • ✓ ¼ cup vegetable broth or water
  • ✓ 4 tablespoons or no-salt Italian seasoning
  • ✓ 1 tablespoon smoked-paprika
  1. Set up your barbeque for medium/high indirect heat.
  2. Wash and thinly slice potatoes and onions and place them on a large sheet of aluminum foil.
  3. Pour ½ cup of vegetable broth or water over the potatoes and onions and sprinkle with no-salt Italian seasoning and smoked paprika.
  4. Take another sheet of aluminum foil and place it on top of the potatoes and onions. Crimp the ends of both sheets of foil together creating a large sealed envelope steamer. Place the aluminum foil envelope on the grill over medium/high indirect heat and cook for 40 minutes until the potatoes are tender.

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