Asparagus Soup

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Asparagus Soup

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March 12, 2022
March 12, 2022

Dilip Barman

Dilip Barman


I created this dish just for the show! I was pleased with the flavor and appearance. Here’s what I did.

  • ✓ 1 pound asparagus (app. 12-15 spears each 9-10” long and 1⁄2 - 3⁄4” thick); remove bottom 3⁄4” or so and then cut into 1 1/2” or so lengths
  • ✓ 1 clove garlic roughly chopped
  • ✓ 1⁄2 onion, roughly chopped into 1⁄2 - 3⁄4” cubes
  • ✓ 1 medium Yukon Gold potato cut into 1” cubes
  • ✓ 1 – 1 1⁄2 cups (or up to 2 cups) white beans – I recommend Great Northern, Navy, or Cannellini
  • ✓ 2 cups vegetable broth
  • ✓ 1 cup unsweetened plant milk (e.g., soymilk, almond milk, oat milk)
  • ✓ 1t lemon juice
  • ✓ Dried herbs/seasonings: 1 t chives, 1⁄2 t thyme, 1 1⁄2 t lemon pepper, 1⁄2 salt

Next, follow the steps to finalize your dish and finally be able to enjoy it!

  1. Prepare potato either by bringing it to a boil in the vegetable broth and then simmering for 5-10 minutes until moderately tender, or by cooking for 5 minutes under pressure
  2. Saute onion, garlic, and asparagus in a cast iron pan over medium-high heat for about 5 minutes till onion begins to get caramelized and lightly browned
  3. Transfer the onion, garlic, and asparagus to a blender, add cooked potato, beans, broth, milk, lemon juice, and herbs/seasonings; blend till smooth
  4. If you are using a high-powered blender, you can blend to warm the soup or you can just heat it stovetop. I like it best warm but not too hot.

That’s it! You can serve with a dollop of vegan yogurt, chives, micro greens, and some contrasting colored ingredients like purple sweet potato and tangerine (that’s my favorite, Triple Cross tangerine, in the picture!), as I have done here. If you wish, you can roughly chop 3 or 4 pistachios and sprinkle them atop the soup. It makes enough for 4 large servings.

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