Quinoa is a great food for picnics. An almost trivial option is to make a batch of quinoa cooked in vegan vegetable broth and bring it along. Pass out plates with a bed of quinoa at the base onto which everybody can add their dishes of choice. If you made a quinoa dish that you served hot perhaps a day or two ago for lunch or dinner, bring it cold to the picnic for a different flavor and sensory experience.
You can also make a quinoa salad and compose it to your own creative taste driven by foods that you have on hand. Here is my recipe; it is highly customizable. Please don’t get put off by the number of ingredients; you can make a quick and easy salad with just quinoa, water, and a few ingredients like beans and celery. Use my recipe as a jumping off starting point.
Other ingredients that you can consider include:
Next, follow the steps to finalize your dish and finally be able to enjoy it!
Serve at room temperature; makes approximately 15 cups and serves about a dozen